Oracle of Consciousness

#117 - Unconditional Love

What is this stuff called unconditional love?

To be honest, we don't see or experience a lot of unconditional love it in our world.

Most of the love that we come across is conditional.

"I will love you - if you remain in your job, make tons of money and if you provide me with all my needs"

"If this, or that is provided or present, then I will love you!"

And also, it is often conditional love towards ourselves. Standing in front of the mirror we mutter to ourselves:

"Of course I love you, but I don't like my hair, and I know I do feed this body lots of junk food and I hate my weight".

Blah, blah, blah, you get the idea that it is conditioned love.

It's not love in its purest form.

The opposite of that is unconditional love, which means there are no conditions associated with it.

It's not -

"I’ll love you if you leave your ego outside the door, I’ll love you if you don't express all your emotions"

......and so on.

This love is without any conditions whatsoever.

There's not been a lot of role models that we can follow.

There are some that have demonstrated this, but they rarely appear in our lives.

all of me loves all of you heart signage

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

all of me loves all of you heart signage

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

all of me loves all of you heart signage

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Our task is to embrace all the qualities of unconditional love as they abide in our hearts, knowing they already live there.

It’s not something we need to learn, we just need to become aware of them and put them into practice.

And when we do that, then we have the answer to fully functional, loving relationships all through the application of the heart virtues; appreciation, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, humility, bravery and courage.

It is not enough to know about these heart virtues, we have to embody them completely, starting with ourselves.

Then we can use them on others to benefit their lives.

We practice unconditional love towards ourselves and then spread it to others, and out into the world we live in.

Love conquers all!